Friday, April 29, 2011

heres a kpop video with no korean words

For the korean illiterate, which is all of us. Well, this isnt technically a song. It is just a dance video.This girl group is called AfterSchool. They stand out from the rest of the kpop scene due to their everchanging concept and experiments with music. Their previous concept was military drummers. Check out their drumming below:

They have performed live more than a couple of times and I saw one of the members perform in a variety show which was filmed in an isolated, secluded village so they are pretty much the real deal, not some CG gimmick with the sound effects cut and pasted. They also sang my favourite kpop song: Because of You. Nah, it has nothing to do with the english song of the same title.

I fall in love with the song the first time I heard it on my friend's ipod. Back then I didn't even know who sang it. I had no idea who AfterSchool are. I like it when the soothing sad melody is accompanied by the strong fiery beat. Not to mention the fierce rapping overlapping the sad vocals. I think it signifies the similarities between sadness and anger as emotions. They are just different points on a same spectum. I didn't understand a single word they sang. I just knew it was a sad,
sad song and that sadness turned into anger halfway through the song. Have you guys experienced it before? When you were so sad that you started feeling angry instead. Well, I cant seem to remember any moment I felt that way, so that's a relief. lol.

Well, just thought that this is more interesting than the animal behavior assignment I am doing right now. Or you guys rather I blog about my assignment?

P.S. The first tap-dancing video was just released. So somehow, you guys are more well informed than some kpop fans out there. rofl. sheesh.

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